I thought what better idea than to get out and meet the public to talk about writing and books. Whilst four authors have collaborated and moved between venues, I think this is the perfect opportunity to write and talk when people drop by.
So here we are, Rachel Brimble and I are back in the saddle. Looking forward to questions. Looking forward to meeting people and getting out of the four walls where most writers can feel isolated and lonely.
Coffee shops are also a great place to observe character traits. Develop new ideas and, what’s more I have new projects up my sleeve that I want to move forward with.
It’s 8.55 a.m. I’m sat in my dressing gown typing this short blog when I should be dressed! Must get on. But if you want to ask me any questions on writing I will be happy to have a go at answering.
Thank you for following and your kind thoughts and shares.
mybook.to/twentyone – link to Amazon, though you can purchase my books ANYWHERE! Kindle Nook Paperback Apple etc. etc.
Where silence turns to courage, survival and happiness
Cesars Coffee Shop Trowbridge – opposite the train station – 10.30 – 12.30 Looking forward to seeing you there.
Today, Friday. Busy, busy, busy. Cesars coffee writers in residence was great. I did loads of work.
Last night I met up with fellow authors Rachel, Lucy and Jane. We had a bite to eat at The Red Lion at Lacock (where Harry Potter was filmed). It’s National Trust. Beautiful and such a fabulous village with it’s own quirks. Such as to live there you have to have a trade, or be born there! Bet you didn’t know that did you?
The girls and I have plans up our sleeves. Aim to do face to face chat evenings and daytime workshops.
Loads of work to do there.
I am meeting Basil and Celia on Saturday to talk about my plans to provide a creative writing workshop and encourage budding writers to network. It is essential to have a good group of like-minded people around you. I probably have said this a gazillion times before but writing is a lonely occupation.